Receipt for Videotape
Receipt is acknowledged of the videotaped deposition of:
produced by:
on_______________________________ in the matter of:
I have been instructed in the proper and safe handling,
transporting, and storing of resulting videotapes.
I assume all responsibility for safekeeping of said tapes
and hold your firm harmless from its/their loss, deterioration
or destruction while in my possession.
________________________ Date:______________________
Attorney at law
Instructions for Safe Handling of Video Tape
- Store tapes in a cool dry place free of dust.
- The tape should be stored on end with the full reel down.
- Keep away from magnets, TV/Monitors, Phones, Speakers.
At the airport or courthouse ask that the tape not be x-ray'ed.
- If tape is to be stored for an extended time, put it in a plastic bag securely closed.
- For long term archiving Tape should be converted to a digital format (CD, DVD).
- When sending an original videotape by mail, make a copy of the tape and keep the copy until you know the original tape has arrived at its destination and is in good condition. Mark the package "Do not x-ray," and send the tape certified mail, return receipt requested.
- Do not store tapes in automobiles that are parked in the sun. Heat stretches tape and warps cassette shells.
- In extreme climates, allow tape to come to room temperature
before viewing.
- Before viewing tape, fast forward to the end and rewind back
to the beginning to evenly wrap tape on the reels.
- Use pause, visual fast forward, visual rewind and slow motion modes sparingly as they are more likely to damage the tape.
- Before returning tape to storage, fast forward and rewind again.
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